Sunday 26 October 2014

Goodbye Estate Street

Today I've been cleaning and going through our home to make it perfect to photograph and document for us in preparation for it going on the market in the next few weeks.
I'm getting emotional at all the hard work and energy that has gone into this house to make it a home! To renovate and improve it back to its former glory. Like, 'Oh yeah Mark made that, he built that wall and those windows and changed those lights and planted that tree'! It's emotional!
Our house is over 100 years old and has needed a lot of TLC and care. It's not a house we could just live in, it needed owners to love and cherish it. We knew we wanted to do a renovation before we started a family, but maybe we didn't realistically know what lay ahead. It was hard work, a lot to hard work. The weather up here did make it a slow renovation as for 6 months of the year it is far too hot to renovate and Mark had no garage to retreat to and build in during wet weather. There was stuff everywhere at times, we'd be doing one room at a time so furniture was shuffled from place to place.
At times we felt like giving up and just saying, 'Ok that's good enough'. I am so glad we didn't; because what we have accomplished is truly special and amazing.
Everything now has been put in its place, styled and organised. But that's it! It's ready to sell! It seems crazy to sell after we have just finished, but we need to try moving closer to our families, and we really need to escape this heat. We just aren't hot weather lovers!
This home has been our labour of love for 3 wonderful years and we're just about to be giving it away to someone else.
It won't be ours forever. I know it can't be, but I really am having a hard time saying goodbye!







Monday 13 October 2014

Last weekend

Last weekend we got back on the bike and headed up the mountains. It reminded me how much I love riding on the bike and being in the air. So free and so calming.
It had been a while since our last trip. Partly due to the North Queensland weather and partly due to my bad back and surgery.
Hope it's not too long between rides.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Lately in photos

We have been trying to find a few new things to do.
As summer rolls in and it heats back up we notice ourselves wanting more to be sitting inside in air conditioning.
Sometimes it's nice to just get out for a bit.

It was also a nice way to start saying our last goodbyes to Townsville life.

There were some lovely ladies doing weaving across the scaffolding on the bay. A nice welcome message greeted us off the ferry

It was a beautiful day! 
It ended quickly when I stepped on a bee in the sand. Not ideal, but nothing a cold cider and some ice couldn't help. 

Saturday 13 September 2014

Getting back my stride

For the first time in almost a month I was able to get out my runners and go for a walk. Well a stroll really, but out in the fresh air walking all the same.

It felt so good to move again! I love walking. I forgot how much I love it and how much it's a part of me.

Hopefully in the coming weeks I'll recover enough to get my full stride back and power walk again, and maybe start jogging again too!

This surgery hit me hard, physically and emotionally. But I'm ready to BE OK again and get back from it. Everything inside has been healed and I'm working on the outside.

Thursday 11 September 2014


This is us.

Me, my husband Mark and our furry baby Tessa.

We live simply but we love each other to bits.

We have been on a long road to get to here, but here we are. Ten years on from the very first date. In some ways we have been through a lot, seen a lot and lived a lot!  In other ways our family has just begun.